The previous semester has swiftly passed. After having received a grade not enough to grant me a full scholarship (because of a 0.01 deficiency),I am off to the new level of my academic pursuits. However, I think it may be noteworthy to mention some things related to the fruitful previous semester.
What I Liked to my Previous Subjects:
Term Paper Writing-My natural proclivities to written language inspired me to actually love this subject. Other than that, the excellent professor by the person of Dr. Corazon Soberano seemed to have doubled my appreciation to the writing class.
Advanced Speech Communication-Next to TPW, the performing class under Prof. Mendoza happened to be my second fave subject. Aside from having an inclination in public speaking, the tactful Prof. Mendoza (who resembled my fave HS mentor, Maam Yoggie) made the subject more interactive and insightful.
Logic-Who shall not love Logic subjects who teach a person to be wise? I was a no exception to that especially when the class was handled by a very intelligent and sophisticated young professor, Prof. Maybelle O. Padua. (hey, I even remember her middle initial!) Square of Opposition, Fallacies, Hypothetical Statements among others had been uncomplicated.
Humanities-The immediate contemporary of my sophisticated lady Logic mentor was the comely and gentleman UP alumnus, Prof. James Owen Saguinsin. Everybody in class seemed to have appreciated arts and beauty in any way possible via the presentation of the equally-superb Humanities professor. If Michaelangelo is still alive, will he gladly curve an exquisite sculpture of Sir James just like "David"?
Retorika-Our mentor in this Filipino class is a writer in his own right. Though almost everyone in class learned to loathe him, I still found ways to appreciate the learnings I acquired from him especially whenever he related his stories and experiences as a writer.
Basic Statistics-Albeit I love Mathematics subjects a lot especially during HS which was apparent from the accolades I received, for the first time, I learned to abhor it in asmuchas I hate indolence among the students.
Table Tennis-Born athlethic as I am, I appreciate Table Tennis a lot. No need to elaborate. However, I found my professor (who was also a DLSU-CSB prof by then) totally hilarious with all her DLSU faculty uniforms (include her bag!). Still, I know I deserved the 1.00 she gave me.
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