Thursday, April 20, 2006

Abiding by the Faith

A Catholic by faith as I am, I spent the “holy week” at home with no extraordinary conduct at all. Most of the time, I was seen sitting in front of the monitor encoding things I need come the following weeks. In fact, I have already finished writing the following:

1. Of Good Hearts, Of Mountains, Of Dumagats
Revisiting Volunteers for CHANGE 6th Immersion with the Dumagats

2. Project Proposals (IAS-SC)
a. IAS newsletter
b. Gawad Angel Abaya

3. Student Council House Rules and April 8 Minutes of the Meeting

4. ORADEC news article (about the Golden Stag Quest)

True! How busy I was the week that passed! However, I still made sure that I find time to exercise my being a Christian aside from watching three Barbie Stories: (laughs…)

1. Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper
2. Barbie in the Swan Lake
3. Barbie in Fanta

In fact, during Maundy Thursday, my family together with my aunt, my uncle and my two young cousins, practiced “Visita Iglesia” in Manila. Instead of 12 churches, we had 5:

1. Manila Cathedral
2. San Agustin Church
3. Abbey of Montserrat (San Beda College)
4. St. Jude Archdiocesan Shrine
5. St. Michael and the Archangels Shrine

During Black Saturday, I watched the live telecast of El Shaddai in television and on Easter Sunday, after attending the meeting of TAMVOL, I, with Danilo, attended the Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter Shrine in Commonwealth.

Despite the controversies that faces Christianity, I swear to be faithful, not to anyone else, but to Him whose existence is beyond explanation!

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