Tuesday, August 08, 2006

AYLC: Contemplations

I just attended the FEU-AYLC Orientation at the Nursing Multi-Purpose Hall. Though my attendance in the caucus had caused me to rush academic matters after (since I had to finish my output in Sociolinguistics!), it has, in turn, made me feel a lil excited. Though I've heard a lot about it before, I felt re-oriented as Mr. Fritz of OSACS officially invited us, junior scholars as regards to the matter.

I saw familiar faces in the hall: Ron and Sellicha of the ORADEC, Donna of TAMVOL SIFE, Chumie Marga (who was actually a seatmate) of IASSC, and a number of MassComm scholars (hell yeah, there making a difference so to speak!). Well, my colleagues in the English Language were not with me (since, as i said, we still have to accomplish academic requirement).
The orientation has actually made me sank in deep contemplation, thinking about my status as a student leader. Have I really been making a positive difference (as my line in SIFE competition run)? What may be the things which I can reckon as accomplishments? or maybe even better, how do I concretize 'accomplishments? Along with these are questions like: how do I , now that i'm in my junior year, fare as a campus leader? have I been helping the university with the realization of its mission-vision? These queries and more have silently reflected on the mirror of my thoughts as the orientation a while ago advanced. Nonetheless, these are equally important concerns that are ought to be cleared out so that I will be able to develop a more positive self image as a leader.
(so much with these poetic thoughts!)
Meanwhile, it may be saddening that, for the first time, no one last year was able to make it as an Ayala Young Leader. My friend, Ilo, however, has made it to the top 140 (that's already a feat, mind you!). Just the same, I still believe that FEU is still a genuine haven of effective student leaders!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hit and miss!

I still feel elated with the turn out of events these days. I was bombarded with several concerns (what's new anyway?) and was lucky though being able to transform it into a positive light.
FEUCSO Team Building - This year's FEUCSO LTS was held at Rizal. The place may not be that scenic compared to Caliraya but still I was able to enjoy (hey, that was my goal!) the two-day affair. Well, thanks to my friends from TAMVOL, ORADEC, Theatre Guild and Campus Ministry. The whole experience was really worth remembering.
ELC 1ST General Assembly - I went straight to ELC's 1st General Assembly after attending the FEUCSO LTS (whoah!). Contrary to my expectation, I was more than beleaguered with the unforeseen role I played that made me think I am still a part of the ELC EB. Well, it's just my way of paying off I believe. Thanks God, it turned out successful despite the absence of technical facilities (hey, even Mike and our department chair weren't there)
TAMVOL General Assembly - We just had our GA last Friday, August 4 at the IN Multi-Purpose Hall. I, together with friend Gee, hosted the half-day event with the theme: TAMVOLunteerism: It Starts with Me! I also received the 10 Outstanding Volunteers of the Year (2005-2006) Award with fellow volunteers: Jen, Kares, Ilo, Jane, Josh, Rob, Cis, Royce and Grace. Likewise, we also paid tribute to our senior adviser, Prof. Jose V. faustino (Associate Dean, FEU-OSACS).
The Paragon 1st Meeting - We had our first meeting in the Paragon JUST yesterday. We started distributing tasks with the hope to respond to the needs of a vibrant pub.
IAS Dance Co. GA - Dance Coy. had there general assembly last night. As part of the council, i was invited as guest during the event. It's nice being with good people! After attending the GA, we went to Pogs' house birthday bash.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006